Monday, October 23, 2017

;Where is LaLadyCream & Where is her Health At.??!

Where I was after my second

Where I Am Now

Ive had another child since 2015. Born in 2016. A year old now. & Im loving being a Busy Mami of two.

Ive been maintaining a weight close to where I started my weight lost a year and months ago. 

Started when my first born was 3

Geting closer

Made it
Even better
Loved where I got to
 When I was about 5Months Pregnant 2016
Where I was 2017

Im working on a cleanse now. Im a week into it. Soon ill introduce a W'O schedule & routine. 

Since 2015 with my pregnacy Ive gained 15 pounds. And after months of breastpumping, when I stoped I gained another 10pounds. So I got about 30pounds to lose again. But with my little advice i followed I know I can get back to where I was & feel better over all. 

The pictures show where I was when I started & during the losing process to where I finally got to & when i was pregnant & soon held on to those pounds & where I am now & soon I should be back to where I got to.!!  

"To get to where I want Ill apply just these tips here on my blog & I know from doing them before I will get there."-LaLadyCream<3

Late But Helpful Post For Those Looking To Lose 30Lbs.

;Try The Ten Day Challenge x2-3 & You'll be Surprised At the Results. 
Try at your own risk(Disclaimer)
Calories: 0-500   20Points
           501-1000  10Points
              1000+     0Points
Water: 2L+   20Points
         1L-2L  10Points
         0L-1L   0Points
Exercise: 1Hr+ 20Points
    30Min-1Hr   10Points
        0-30Min   0Points
Sleep: 8Hrs  20Points
      6-8Hrs   10Points
      0-6Hrs    0Points
This Challenge is very simple:
10Days to Lose 5Lbs!
Everyday, You keep a score of your day, Out of a max of 80Points.
Your aiming for 800Points in 10Days to lose 5Lbs.
Its a good way to start planning out your meals, & calculating portions to really meet expectations.
Exercising is what will really help you to burn those calories the fastest. Drinking plenty of water will help you feel fuller faster(Before or during your meal).
Good Luck. I will report my own results in 9days from now. Don't forget your Tea!
Will be posting again in a couple days about simple home workouts you can do, or already doing & take more time to do & burn extra calories.
"I Love That My Clothes Are Falling Off Of Me. Waking Up Feeling Skinnier Than The Day Before Words Cant Explain How Happy I Feel Not Eating Everything On My Plate That Evening Before. I Love My Skinny & Soon You Will Too!"-LLC<3