Thursday, February 7, 2019

;What Morning W'O Made Me Feel

;My Body Feels Awake!

Been About 7Days That Ive Brought Stretching & W'O Back Into My Mix.

Im feeling pretty good. Definitely have to push myself. I found more energy alittle after to do some light cardio.(Added on few more mins) Just building my resistance for it. 

Im doing (5Min Stretch & 15Min W'O)
Just enough to get my body used to the motions. 

This Is What I Do For Stretching. Time always varies. 
 Mountain Climber:30Sec
 Lunges:1Min(I hate doing these)
 Jumping Jacks:45Sec

 (About 10Sec Rest in between)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

;What My Routine Is Like & What Im Adding To It

;Time To Get Active

Adding in pre W'O's to my Busy Mami Schedule.

I wake up around 6:40Am
Ill drink some Cold Water to wake up faster.
Sometimes my baby will wake up around 7-8esh. Just in time for me to get her dressed to take big sissy to school.
Big sissy wakes to get dressed around 7:10Am.
Im working on getting her up fully, she tends to drift back to sleep once her clothes are on.
Then I get dressed.
We eat around 7:40Am
(I would have One Cup of coffee, Ill have (1S)Toast Bread With Fitbit protien Peanut butter or Two boiled Eggs)
We leave around 8:15Am to walk to school.
Its about a Ten min walk.
On the way back home, Ill walk with my baby in the stroller for another 20mins. Depends how the weather is. As of now I just go straight home, Its becoming more breezy & cool out for my 1Year old.
She falls asleep sometimes before we get back home.
Which gives me an hour to do some stretching & cardio.
Its around 9Am by then.

Im starting to incorporate W'O's & Stretching into my routine again so Morning W'O Works best for me, Until I feel ready to add more.
Right now Im adding in (5Mins Stretching)
& (15Mins Cardio)
Just enough to get the swing of things again.
After a good workout Ill drink a nice Cup Of Hott Tea!!<3

"While Im Still Motivated, I Better Make It A Habit"-LLC<3

Monday, October 23, 2017

;Where is LaLadyCream & Where is her Health At.??!

Where I was after my second

Where I Am Now

Ive had another child since 2015. Born in 2016. A year old now. & Im loving being a Busy Mami of two.

Ive been maintaining a weight close to where I started my weight lost a year and months ago. 

Started when my first born was 3

Geting closer

Made it
Even better
Loved where I got to
 When I was about 5Months Pregnant 2016
Where I was 2017

Im working on a cleanse now. Im a week into it. Soon ill introduce a W'O schedule & routine. 

Since 2015 with my pregnacy Ive gained 15 pounds. And after months of breastpumping, when I stoped I gained another 10pounds. So I got about 30pounds to lose again. But with my little advice i followed I know I can get back to where I was & feel better over all. 

The pictures show where I was when I started & during the losing process to where I finally got to & when i was pregnant & soon held on to those pounds & where I am now & soon I should be back to where I got to.!!  

"To get to where I want Ill apply just these tips here on my blog & I know from doing them before I will get there."-LaLadyCream<3

Late But Helpful Post For Those Looking To Lose 30Lbs.

;Try The Ten Day Challenge x2-3 & You'll be Surprised At the Results. 
Try at your own risk(Disclaimer)
Calories: 0-500   20Points
           501-1000  10Points
              1000+     0Points
Water: 2L+   20Points
         1L-2L  10Points
         0L-1L   0Points
Exercise: 1Hr+ 20Points
    30Min-1Hr   10Points
        0-30Min   0Points
Sleep: 8Hrs  20Points
      6-8Hrs   10Points
      0-6Hrs    0Points
This Challenge is very simple:
10Days to Lose 5Lbs!
Everyday, You keep a score of your day, Out of a max of 80Points.
Your aiming for 800Points in 10Days to lose 5Lbs.
Its a good way to start planning out your meals, & calculating portions to really meet expectations.
Exercising is what will really help you to burn those calories the fastest. Drinking plenty of water will help you feel fuller faster(Before or during your meal).
Good Luck. I will report my own results in 9days from now. Don't forget your Tea!
Will be posting again in a couple days about simple home workouts you can do, or already doing & take more time to do & burn extra calories.
"I Love That My Clothes Are Falling Off Of Me. Waking Up Feeling Skinnier Than The Day Before Words Cant Explain How Happy I Feel Not Eating Everything On My Plate That Evening Before. I Love My Skinny & Soon You Will Too!"-LLC<3

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Motivation+Effort=Amazing Results!

6TImes A Week, (30Min)Workout, End of the Month Results! 
Making it apart of your daily dos is a must.
:Best Times to workout
:Length of Workouts
:Cardio & Toning
:Staying Motivated to Finish

{My Year Progress #1 Before/During}
Some of the best times to Stretch & Workout are in the Morning(Before getting out of bed & After Once awoken) An Hour after Lunch. & An Hr Before bed.

Jumping Jacks:One Min
Crunches:One Min
Russian Twist:One Min
Burp pies:One Min
Jumping Jacks:One Min

Waking up in the Morning to Stretch is Easy. So, Why not do potions that help your body wake up properly. Give yourself about (10Mins) to loosen up all the muscles. After that is a good time to get a quick Morning workout as well Love giving myself this time, Once I've gotten some Cold Water in my system to wake myself completely, Im able to kick it up a notch with the days workout.
{#4 During}
While Im with my child, Sometimes after lunch maybe an hour or so has passed and my daughter gets playful again. I will have her listen to music with me & Stretch. Ex: I'd tell you to reach her hands up, legs apart grabing the apples. Or Down low for the Strawberries. & Twist the sides together shake, shake, shake.:] Fun to with kids, for (15-20Mins) at a time. Dance Music!

For me it'll be about 10:00Pm that I have time to workout from 30Min to an Hour 6times a week. Stretching for a whole 10Mins. Cardio for 30Mins & Toning for another 20Mins. Of Abdomen Exercises, Squats, But & Legs Exercises, Arm Exercises, & Even Listen to a few songs for Free Dance! & Finish with a good Stretch.
Always Have Your Water&Tea!!
 {#6 Feeling Good}
"I Can See & Feel The Soft & Smoothness Of My Skin. When I Cross My Arms & Feel Them Press Against the Bottom of My Ribs. Just Below My Breast. I Feel Skinny For The First Time."-LLC<3
{#6 Feeling Even Better}
{#9 After/Feeling Great}

;What A Years Work Will Bring You, & Still At It.
This When Toning After All The Cardio Comes In.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tips&Tricks To Weight Loss Results

Great Tips & Reminderes
You Will See Results Just Do & You'll See!
Frist things first. Make a book log. This will help you keep track of what your eating, how much your drinking & how much more of somethings you need in your diet.

Make a day to day ideal list of food. Nothing the same in a row of two days. Alternate them, this way you don't get tired of the same thing.

Now be sure to have veggies with Lunch & Dinner.
Like: FRESH!
Green Beans, Carrots, Tomatoes, Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Corn, Some Potatoes, & Even Peas. & More.

Note: Steam these foods, They are better tasting then boiled over the stove.

For Lunch I like something I can do simple, Quick rather.
Ex: Healthy Sandwich-Whole Wheat Grain Bread(2S)
No Mayo Or Muster your only adding Calories!
Lattes, Tomatoes, Chicken from the deli (Fresh Sliced) & Only Sometimes Cheese.
Then I'll have if I still feel hungry witch isn't likely, But I'll have half an Apple or Some handful of Oat Cereal.
That's more of a snake after lunch too but have lunch & snack within the same hour.
For Dinner-I Do Cook for a Whole Family So I Always Try Adding A Salad No Matter What I Cook.
Even If you run out by a point of time this is when you add a bit extra Water before eating your meat as well as a Cup during the Meal.

So Salad & Watch, Watch, Watch your servings! Its not the Calories for me I'm worried about at this time. I worry about having enough veggies on the side. If I cook chicken or Beef(Witch I hardly Eat) Or anything saucy. Look to have about half a cup to a cup then full cup of veggies of any kind. Over flow that plate with veggies if need be. Ha:3 

My desert if I feel I disserved one based on how much workout I've done. (During the end of the week only) Will be between Oatmeal with syrup & (Only a few!) chocolate chips in it. Nothing more then a cup or so.
Don't Forget To Drink Water Before & After Each Meal.
& Always Hott Tea Between That.

Watch the inches fall off with keeping up with what you'll eat. Having a plan for the days to come really shows you how easy it is to eat healthy. Take Control & Feel great with each workout, Your less likely to get as tired.
Hope you've found my post helpful as far as routine goes. I'll post photos soon & an ideal workout for each Morning & Night. Always Remember the weight falls of with each healthy thing you put into your mouth. Juke food & processed foods don't worry about calories like Healty Foods do. Healthy Foods give the best energy for the body. So feel sluggish or Energetic Its your call. You'll body will show you later the effects from either eating Healthy Or Terrible.
GoodLuck Making you Log Books! Soon to add workout plans.
Share & Follow me!
"I Can't Believe The Things I Used To Eat & What They Did To My Body, I Love The Foods That Keep You Filled Until It's Completely Digested & Ready To Go With All The Energy I Get From Them. Foods Ar'nt Your Friend, Its Survival"-LLC<3

Monday, January 19, 2015

Motivational & Sweet to Drink

;Here I have some simple real vitamin water supplements you can do at home!
So, getting tired of just having Water & Hott Tea huh?
Well so did I. So I started flavouring my water & tea.
Do you like lemons, How about cucumber, maybe even strawberry?
Here is a list of fruits I've used in my home maid vitamin water.
Note: This may give some few calories but it curves your appetite so its a plus.
& If you feel maybe your not going to add fruits to your diet this day or the next.
Here is how you still can.
I suggest drinking a cup every other Hr with intake of Hott tea. For best appetite suppressant results. 
Fruits I used most often
There's more but these are most effective.
Note: For Smoothies Put Cup Of Ice With Peeled Fruit in Blender & Grind Until Slushed. EmM Great Dissert!
But try not to have to much fruit intake, They do have they're own sugar & it can add up.  
As for Hott Tea, Just add a bit of Lemon juice.(Natural) To your cup but not to often because of your teeth.
Now first things first. You will need a bottle that gives you measurements. But will need a few.(3)
To have extra vitamin water. Okay now it doesn't matter how much water you put. You can even just make a full gallon if you'd like. This water is the best you can have so why not a gallon. But the point is to have a tasting water not juice!
Alright. So you simply take these fruits & cut them in big pieces. I look for medium sized fruit because I may only want one bottle of that flavour or two. But I'll always have the 3rd one be different. You will have left over fruit you can decide to eat that extra or use all the extra EX: Strawberry & Cucumber into one bottle for the next day. Can try mixing flavours as well. See what best suits your taste buds.
Now the point of this is not to drink it the same day. This is for over the night or two flavouring. This fruit then begin to seep out mixing into the water. The longer(2days) the better the water will taste.
I hope you all find my way of dieting so far fair because results are amazing!
Good Luck with the flavouring If you found some of these thing helpful please Follow Me & Share my Post. & the my crowd grows the more Ideas & Tips & Tricks I'll post.
"Im Starting To Like The Empty Feeling When Im Not Eating, & Disliking The Full Feeling. Im Still Eating, Just Only Healthy Things But I Loveee The Results Of My Arms, Stomach, Legs, Just FAT Leaving From Me & I Wont Miss That Fat Girl I Used To See. But I Never Have To Say Goodbye To The Skinny Slim Me Because My Ana Wont Leave My side."-LLC<3